Τρίτη 7 Ιουνίου 2022



Ellania Ethereal Script of ALPHA OMEGA

αω: «ΕΛΛΑΝΙΑ ΑΙΘΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΑΦΗ τΩΝ α & ω» (pron. Ellania Aitheriki Grafi ton α & ω).

This is our Ellania Script of 27 Ellania true αnd unique cosmic symbols. Each of these symbols symbolises various cosmic energies and forces that unite and synthesise to make up all IOTA creations including the Ellene human being. These symbols of the cosmos, even though we only see them as letters, are actually highly intelligent forces above our level of comprehension but are all innate within us. Our Script originates from the two symbols: ALPHA α and OMEGA ω. Throughout our Texts, every time there is a reference to Alpha & Omega, it should be noted that “Alpha” is always plural in regards to the Alpha entities and Omega is always One, “The One”, the 13th. There will be a Sacred Text, where the Alpha entities will be presented and analysed.

Ellania Protocols: «ΕΛΛΑΝΙΑ

ΠΡΩΤΟΚΟΛΛΑ». These are the 33 + 2 protocols that constitute the fundamental structure of Democratea (Democracy). The Ellene Politeia (State) and its Polites (Citizens) will function according to these protocols which consist of Values, Principles and Laws that are innate within the Ellene human being himself:

• 12 Values: Logic, Freedom, Virtue, Justice, Equality, Abundance, Truth, Aesthetics, Harmony, Valour,

Eudaimonia, Know Thyself.

• 18 Principles: Dialectics, Social Freedom, Political Freedom, Individual Freedom, Isonomia, Isopoliteia, Isocracy, Isegoria, Distributional Justice, Corrective Justice, Phronesis, Sophrosyne, Aidos, Respect, Meritocracy, Ρhilotes, Philotimia, Magnificence.

• 3 Laws of the Politeia: The Law of Utter Restoration, The Law of Simulation, The Law of Publicity.

• + 2 Additional Laws, added recently by Artemis Sorras, which secure our entire Ellene Politeia: 

a)The Security of Justice, and b) The Law of the Atomo.

You may read the Sacred Ellanio Text "The Analysis of the Ellanio Value System", in order to learn more about these Protocols and Laws.

Ellanios/Ellene vs. Hellene/Greek: The 2 terms Hellene and Greek are deviously used as modern terms the last few centuries. The true and correct terms throughout antiquity are Ellanios and Ellene «ελλΑνιοσ & ελλην». Moreover, the correct term for Hellas/Greece is Ellas «ελλΑΣ». In essence, Ellene = “He who is made up of the Eternal Light” & “He who will ascend to the Eternal Light”. Ellanios «ελλΑνιοσ» is also used quite frequently throughout these Sacred Ellania Texts. It has a very sacred meaning connecting the Ellene to his creators and the cosmos, which is his origin. Both terms Ellanio and Ellania also appear depending on the noun that follows. It is important to know that all humans are Ellenes and likewise, all Ellenes are humans. This is not a distinction between race. It is the code name of the human being. Throughout our texts, we utilise the word "Greek" in regards to the language, since it is the current known term worldwide. This will gradually change into Ellene or Ellanios, as humanity progresses into true knowledge.

Ellania Symbols: These are the 27 symbols that constitute our Ellania Ethereal Script. However, their true nature and name is “Symbols” that become “Letters” when we apply them to paper. This text will analyse the synthesis of these Ellania symbols and how they relate to the creation of the human being.

Gaia (Earth), Artemis, Apollo &

Eridanus: «γη/ΓΑΙΑ – ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ – ΑΡΤΕΜΗ – ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΑ - ΗΡΙΔΑΝΟΣ». One of the biggest held secrets are the names of our own planet, our solar system and our galaxy. How is it that all planets in our solar system have divine names except ours? We call ours Earth, but Earth or Gaia «γΑΙΑ» refers to any physical land matter and this can be found on many planets. Even the planet Mars has a Gaia but it also has a specific code name. And so, the code name of our planet is Demeter «δημητρΑ». The Solar System is named Apollo «ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΑ». Our Galaxy is named Eridanus «ΗριδΑνοσ», and our Universe is named Artemis «Αρτεμησ». Many of the texts will refer to 3 of these names specifically: Gaia, Demeter and Artemis, which depict the exact location of our “Earth” within the Universe. For example:

It is like pinpointing a specific area by Country, City and Suburb e.g. Greece, Athens, Syntagma Square.

Geometrise (Geometrical Development

and Analysis): «γεωμετρηση». Geometrical development is the process of applying geometry to our cosmic-symbols, which synthesise a word and its cosmicmeaning. This occurs due to the geometrical shape and composition of the cosmic-symbols. Consequently, this creational geometrical process leads us to arithmetical cosmic code-results that give us answers regarding creation.

Idor: «ΥΔΩΡ». Idor is Light itself in its liquid and crystalline formation and is the primary make-up of the Ellene human and his creative environment. Idor is related and connected to water. The word associated with Idor «ΥδΩρ» is the word «ΥΔΑΤΙΝΟΣ» (pron. Idatinos) meaning “Idor-elemental” and it is utilised within our Sacred Ellania Texts.

IOTA ι: «ιωτα». IOTA is the 9th symbol of our Ethereal Script which symbolises all creations within Creation and the foundational pillar of DIAS. IOTA begins its code name with the single and primordial unit ι, the Creator of Everything. The Ellene human is a IOTA creation. Cosmoses, universes, galaxies, solar systems, planets and all creations are also each IOTA creations. There are also various collectives of IOTA creations e.g. all humanity is a IOTA creation. In English, we even refer to ourselves as ι = IOTA creations. E.g. I am.

Lethe or Oblivion: «ληθη». Lethe is against Truth «ΑΛΗΘΕΙΑ vs. ληθη» = “Truth vs. Lethe”. The further one moves away from divine Ellania Nomoteleia Creation, the more they descend towards Lethe or Oblivion and towards apostasy and nonexistence. It can also relate to “forgetfulness”: Forgetting your true origin, purpose, life and your role within Ellania Nomoteleia Creation.

Logos: «λογος». Logos is the appearance and expression of Nous (Mind). Therefore, “Logos equals Nous” «ΛΟΓΟΣ ΙΣΟΝ ΝΟΥΣ».. Logos is the “Spoken Word”. It also means “Logic” and therefore “Reason”. It is very important to state here that the etymology of words is crucial in order to connect ourselves with the Beginning of all beginnings since “In the Beginning was the Word (Logos)”. Etymology means Etymos = True, and Logy or Logos = Word i.e. True Word.

Nomoteleia: «νομοτελειΑ». Nomoteleia means Nomos = Law and Teleia = Perfect. Therefore, Nomoteleia is the “Perfect Law” and can be related (but not the same) to the known term of “Universal Law”. It is the Laws and Oaths that all IOTA creations must be in accordance with, in order to remain within entire Ellania Creation. Acts against Creation and Nomoteleia deems you as an apostate and steers you away from your true and divine creation into oblivion and non-existence. Within our Sacred Ellania Texts, Nomoteleia can be used both as a noun or adjective.

Nous: «νους» Nous means “Mind”. Nous is the divine Mind that created everything with intellect and reason according to “Divine Design” and Nomoteleia. Everything is Nous and everything is created by Nous. Through Nous and cognitive process, we perceive what is real, true, ortho (correct) and existing. Nous exists within all and everything and enlightens every part of our true existence with its luminous hyper-attributes.


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